Why Rohde&Schwarz LabVIEW instrument drivers?
To make the remote control of instruments easier, Rohde & Schwarz provides the LabVIEW Instrument drivers that take away the burden of controlling, synchronization, response format- ting and error handling from the developer.
How does the R&S®fsvr work?
The R&S®FSVR combines a full-featured signal and spectrum analyzer with a real-time spectrum analyzer. In real-time operation, the R&S®FSVR seamlessly measures and displays the spectrum in the time domain with a span of up to 40 MHz. As a result, it captures every event for analysis, no matter how brief it might be.
What version of LabVIEW do I need to compile the drivers?
Rohde & Schwarz drivers are compiled in LabVIEW 2010. If you use higher version of LabVIEW, it is the best to perform Mass Compile of the entire driver folder before using it.
Where can I find standard write Vis in LabVIEW?
Fig. 4-16: Standard Write VIs that you can find in all driver functions. Similarly to the previous part SCPI command string is built by using Fast Compose (BuildFast/BuildFix), and the end using Fast Read (GetFast) to retrieve a response Example of LabVIEW Express VI code