Who comprised the Bonus Expeditionary Force?
The Bonus Army was a group of 43,000 demonstrators – made up of 17,000 veterans of the United States in World War I, together with their families and affiliated groups – who gathered in Washington, D.C. in mid-1932 to demand early cash redemption of their service bonus certificates.
What was the Bonus Expeditionary Force?
In May 1932, jobless WWI veterans organized a group called the “Bonus Expeditionary Forces” (BEF) to march on Washington, DC. Suffering and desperate, the BEF’s goal was to get the bonus payment now, when they really needed the money.
What was the Bonus Expeditionary Force quizlet?
Terms in this set (21) 10,000 and 20,000 WWI veterans and their famiies arrived in Washington D.C and called themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force. They wanted the government to pay a bonus for their wartime service in wwi. An average of $500 in cash per soldier= the bonus they wanted.
Who made up the Bonus Army quizlet?
The Bonus Army were the 43,000 marchers—17,000 U.S. World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups—who gathered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1932 to demand cash-payment redemption of their service certificates.
What was the Bonus Army quizlet?
A group of almost 20,000 World War I veterans who were hard-hit victims of the depression, who wanted what the government owed them for their services and “saving” democracy. They marched to Washington and set up public camps and erected shacks on vacant lots.
What happened to the members of the Bonus Expeditionary Force quizlet?
What happened to members of the Bonus Expeditionary Force? They were violently confronted by federal troops under Douglas MacArthur. They left Washington after Congress rejected their demands. They left Washington after Congress accepted their demands.
What did the Bonus Army want quizlet?
What did they want? They wanted their war bonus to be paid early because of the depression.
What was the Bonus Army and what did it do?
Bonus Army, gathering of probably 10,000 to 25,000 World War I veterans (estimates vary widely) who, with their wives and children, converged on Washington, D.C., in 1932, demanding immediate bonus payment for wartime services to alleviate the economic hardship of the Great Depression.
What was the brain trust Apush?
Many of the advisers who helped Roosevelt during his presidential candidacy continued to aid him after he entered the White House. A newspaperman once described the group as “Roosevelt’s Brain Trust.” They were more influential than the Cabinet. You just studied 15 terms!
What happened to members of the Bonus Expeditionary Force quizlet?
What did Bonus Army want?
What was the Bonus Army and why did it form quizlet?