What is Syngenesious condition of stamen?
Syngenesious condition is a condition pertaining to an aggregate of stamens fused at the anthers. There are usually five stamens. The filaments are fused to the corolla, while the anthers are generally connate (syngenesious anthers), thus, forming a sort of tube around the style (theca).
What is the Syngenesious?
Definition of syngenesious : united by the anthers syngenesious stamens : having stamens so united.
What is Syngenesis condition?
Syngenesious condition is an arrangement of stamens where their anthers are fused while their filaments are free. The fused anthers form a circle around the gynoecium. It is seen in the Compositae or Asteraceae family. E.g. Tagetes (Marigold), Helianthus (Sunflower).
What are the different types of cohesion of stamens?
The fusion of stamens among each other is called cohesion of stamens. Cohesion is of three types; adelphi, syngenesious and synandrous.
In which plant Pollinia is present?
A pollinium (plural pollinia) is a coherent mass of pollen grains in a plant that are the product of only one anther, but are transferred, during pollination, as a single unit. This is regularly seen in plants such as orchids and many species of milkweeds (Asclepiadoideae).
Is Hibiscus a monadelphous?
So, the correct answer is ‘Hibiscus’
What is Synandrous Androecium?
The cucurbits like gourd, bitter-gourd show synandrous condition of the androecium in which the stamens are fused in their entire length of filaments and the anthers. This is opposite to the polyandrous condition, in which the stamens are completely free, as seen in Ranunculus.
What is Gynandrous stamen?
(of a flower) having stamens and pistil united in one column, as in orchids. ‘The flowers of this order are characterized inter alia by being gynandrous, i.e. having their style and stamens united into a column. ‘The gynandrous flowers are hermaphroditic, sometimes polygamous.
What is monadelphous stamen?
Definition of monadelphous of stamens. : united by the filaments into one group usually forming a tube around the gynoecium.
What do you mean by adhesion of stamens?
Adhesion in a flower occurs when the dissimilar floral parts unite with each other. For example, stamens can unite with petals to form epipetalous flowers, stamens can unite with perianth lobes to form epiphyllous flowers, stigma, style and stamens can unite to form gynostegium etc.
What are the types of stamens?
Types of Stamen
- Polyandrous: In this type the filaments are not fused, they are free.
- Monadelphous: All the filaments in this type are fused together, but the anthers remain free.
- Diadelphous: The filaments are fused in a group of two, while the anthers are free.