What is global coloniality?
Global coloniality is a modern global power structure that has been in place since the dawn of Euro-North American-centric modernity. This modernity is genealogically and figuratively traceable to 1492 when Christopher Columbus claimed to have discovered a ‘New World’.
How can we distinguish colonialism and coloniality?
As nouns the difference between colonialism and coloniality is that colonialism is the colonial domination policy pursued by the powers of europe, from the second half of the xix century to the years following world war ii a colonial system while coloniality is the quality of being colonial.
What is border thinking?
Border thinking, then, is thinking from the outside, using alternative knowledge traditions and alternative languages of expression. Examples of border thinking might include Islamic philosophical and scientific thought or First Nation epistemological traditions.
What is a Decolonial approach?
Decolonial approaches, methods, and movements seek to disrupt colonial and settler-colonial logic and the seeming “naturalness” of racial capitalism.
What is the colonial difference?
‘ The colonial difference, in short, refers to the changing faces of colonial differences throughout the history of the modern/colonial world-system and brings to the foreground the planetary dimension of human history silenced by discourses centering on modernity, postmodernity, and Western civilization. 3.
What is the relationship between modernity and coloniality?
‘Modernity/coloniality’ is a concept first used by Aníbal Quijano and later developed by Walter Mignolo. It refers to the way in which the concepts (modernity and coloniality) are inseparable –two sides of the same coin.
What is meant by coloniality of knowledge?
According to the decolonial perspective, coloniality of knowledge thus refers to historically entrenched and racially driven intellectual practices that continuously elevate the forms of knowledge and “knowledge-generating principles” of colonizing civilizations while downgrading those of colonized societies.
What is border Gnosis?
Put another way, border gnosis refers to “the subaltern reason striving to bring to the foreground the force and creativity of knowledges subalternized during a long process of colonization of the planet, which was at the same time the process in which modernity and the modern Reason were constructed” (13).
What are the main ideas of decolonial thought?
Decolonial Thinking It means that modern ideals, such as progress and development; modern institutions, such as the nation-State; and modern conceptions of knowledge and subjectivity, such as the liberal arts and sciences and the sovereign self, have come into being with colonialism as a background and an implication.
Why is decolonial thinking important?
She writes that “Decolonizing approaches are useful because they focus not only on theoretical deconstructions of the colonial structures which many critics argue continue to shape relationships between states and peoples across the globe but also on the proposition of alternatives to them, sometimes through an appeal …