What is formik?
Formik is a small library that helps you with the 3 most annoying parts: Getting values in and out of form state Validation and error messages Handling form submission By colocating all of the above in one place, Formik will keep things organized–making testing, refactoring, and reasoning about your forms a breeze. Motivation
How do I install formik on react?
You can install Formik with NPM, Yarn, or a good ol’
What are the extra components in formik?
However, to save you time, Formik comes with a few extra components to make life easier and less verbose: , , and . They use React context to hook into the parent state/methods. Copy 1// Render Prop 2importReact from’react’;
What is the difference between formik and redux form?
Redux-Form calls your entire top-level Redux reducer multiple times ON EVERY SINGLE KEYSTROKE. This is fine for small apps, but as your Redux app grows, input latency will continue to increase if you use Redux-Form. Redux-Form is 22.5 kB minified gzipped (Formik is 12.7 kB)